5 More Things To Look For In A High-Quality CBD Product
5 More Things To Look For In A High-Quality CBD Product
How Do You Know If CBD Is Good Quality? Well, we are back with another 5 things to look for in a high quality CBD product on the market today, as well as give you a few warnings on what you should avoid. If you haven’t already, take a look at our first 5 things to look for here. Otherwise, let’s jump in:

1. Look out for clear labelling
CBD comes in all shapes, sizes, and packaging. Design and layout may vary, but there are a few essential pieces of information that you should always look out for - as well as some red flags.
At the very least, any CBD product should clearly indicate the amount of CBD it contains. This is most commonly marked in mg, representing the total number of milligrams of CBD. It can also be shown as a percentage, for example a 5% oil tincture. Without this value shown in some way on the packaging, you have no way of knowing how much CBD you are consuming (or if there is even any CBD in the first place).
Many products are also rife with buzzwords and marketing terms that may sound impressive, but don’t necessarily hold much meaning. One of the most exploited areas is advertising hempseed/ hemp oil products as though they are CBD oil, by mimicking popular designs of off-the-shelf CBD products but without actually containing any CBD in the tincture. Hempseed oil is a common and practical ingredient in a large number of CBD tinctures, but it’s important to make sure that the ingredients list also includes CBD.

The rest of a product’s labelling can generally be a good indicator of its quality and standards. Providing extra information such as THC content, a website, full ingredients, dosage advice; the more detail a company is willing to provide, the more transparent they are likely to be. Always have a look at the presentation and design of a label too - the more time and effort that a company puts into their branding can be a further reflection of the amount of care invested in the business overall.
2. Be wary of medical claims
One of the biggest signs that a brand should be avoided is if they are making a lot of health claims. While it is true that there are many accounts from people who have experienced great benefits from CBD, research into the cannabinoid is still ongoing. This means any bold medical claims can’t be made; suggesting a product will help reverse serious conditions or perform miracle cures is a glaring sign of a dishonest, poorly researched brand.

3. Check where the product is available
This isn’t to say that all products in shops are bad. However, making sure they are also available online is very important too, or at the very least that they come with clearly accessible lab reports on the labelling. If a product appears exclusively on the shelf, there is very little information to go off beyond what is on a label.
Products with an online presence, on the other hand, can provide details, reviews, images, lab result documentation, and more. They are also more directly open to scrutiny than those CBD products spread throughout third party stores, so they tend to be more careful to stick to rules, regulations, and honest testing. Off-the-shelf CBD oils have often been found to have barely any CBD, and instead may contain illegal levels of unwanted chemicals such as THC and ethanol.

4. Find out the flavour
It sounds like a fairly obvious one, but some people don’t realise that not all CBD oils taste good - on the contrary, a great many taste bitter and unpleasant. This can really ruin an individual’s experience using CBD, especially if you're using a product before bed; the last thing you want before falling asleep is a bitter taste in your mouth.
Part of a high quality product is making sure all aspects of the formulation are the best they can be, and this shouldn’t overlook the flavour. It often makes the creation process of a product more lengthy and expensive because the taste of CBD on its own isn’t especially good. In an effort to sidestep this further cost, it can be a neglected area for some manufacturers - even amongst highly established brands.
Have a look on a company’s website to see if there is any mention of the taste, or any testimonials which mention this factor.
5. Check for (real) reviews
Reviews are a fantastic way to hear genuine customer experiences or benefits others have experienced, as well as building further confidence in a product. At the other end of the spectrum, it also helps you spot any brands that may look good on the surface but have received little to no customer feedback.

Unfortunately, reviews sections can often come with issues, especially in the CBD market. It’s a significantly manipulated tool for many CBD brands, who want to misrepresent their products to seem more popular. This includes some of the biggest and supposedly most trusted brands on the market. While claiming to have hundreds (or even thousands) of five star reviews, a few clicks to try and hunt these down will quickly show far fewer. For example, one of the largest CBD brands we looked at cites over 3000 positive reviews for one product, but only actually seems to have 3 when properly inspected.
The majority of reviews out there are real, but if something looks too good to be true, it’s always worth having a deeper dig to confirm they are legitimate.
Looking for more advice on how to go about choosing a high quality CBD product? Check out our first blog post on this topic here, or have a read through some of our other blog content to learn anything and everything you need to know to feel confident with CBD!