Top 5 CBD Myths, Debunked
There’s a lot of conflicting information out there surrounding CBD’s origins and effects, much of which is inaccurate (and often entirely untrue). Our blog so far has already touched on many areas of confusion in the industry, and this post will be a continuation of this; a nice and easy, no-nonsense debunking of 5 of the more popular false “facts” that exist online.

MYTH #1: CBD is dangerous and addictive
CBD is not addictive; the World Health Organisation stated in a 2017 report on CBD that in humans, “CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential”. It would also require an extreme dosage of CBD before being dangerous. To quote from one of our previous blog posts:
...“although it is not advisable to exceed 70mg per day based on the FSA’s recommendation, you don’t need to panic if you accidentally take more than this. In fact, you would have to manage about 20,000mg in one go to reach what is considered a toxic dose, which would be next to impossible to do by accident.”

The image above demonstrates just how much CBD you would need to consume at once to reach a toxic dose, with the 1500mg 30ml Unique CBD Day Drops as an example.
Although too early to be concretely conclusive, several studies have been carried out into the potential effectiveness of actually using CBD for other substance abuse recovery, and it continues to be researched for its possible therapeutic benefits in this area.
Having said this, you should not take CBD if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and you should consult with a doctor beforehand if you are taking medication or have a pre-existing medical condition. Some medications’ efficacy can be affected by CBD so it’s always best to get an expert opinion.
MYTH #2: CBD has no medical research or uses
Because of the relatively recent uptake in interest surrounding CBD, the research into it is still very much ongoing as a result. Reaching clinically proven conclusions can sometimes take years of testing and discovery under a range of different conditions, and it’s very likely that in the coming months and years the scientific backing for CBD’s suggested benefits will only continue to get stronger, as our understanding of it grows.
In 2018, the first CBD medicine to become FDA approved was introduced. Epidiolex is a seizure medication which has been proven to “significantly” reduce seizures in people living with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), Dravet syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).

The anecdotal evidence for CBD is also very hard to ignore; a quick Google search will quickly find people living with pain who say CBD helps relieve pain and inflammation, or those living with anxiety claim that it notably reduces their stress; the list goes on, with many other perceived benefits from confidence to memory to digestion and more.
It’s true that there is a flip side to this, in which some have marketed CBD as a “wonder drug” that will solve all of your problems. Due to the fast growth of the industry and the research still to be done, brands in the UK are not allowed to make any miracle or medical claims. Therefore, if you do see a CBD product claiming to fight cancer or prevent Alzheimer's, it’s best to steer clear of it - we simply don’t know enough yet to say if these claims could hold any truth to them.
MYTH #3: CBD isn't psychoactive
This is one of the most misquoted areas of the market, with both brands and industry professionals getting it wrong most of the time.
Let’s just clarify what psychoactive means. It is often thought to mean that it will cause you to experience a warped perspective, or see bright colours, or hear things that aren’t there. This kind of effect should actually be described as a psychedelic (or sometimes psychotropic) influence, in which cognition and brain function is greatly distorted.
A psychoactive chemical, on the other hand, refers to any chemical that actively interacts with the brain in some way. By definition, CBD is psychoactive, but the association to this word isn’t a negative thing. Your morning coffee contains psychoactive caffeine, and that morning run you did? That filled you with psychoactive endorphins. A CBD product (provided THC content is acceptably low) won’t alter your cognition negatively or cause you any disruption when going about your daily routine, but an understanding of what “psychoactive” actually means is a common error.

MYTH #4: CBD does the same as THC/ will turn into THC
CBD is a different chemical compound to THC, and therefore has a different effect the body. As for the rumour that CBD can turn into THC inside the stomach, there is no real basis for this.
The chemical structure of CBD and THC are of the same family, however, so it is an area of interest for scientists currently to try and turn CBD into THC in a laboratory setting (in areas where THC is legalised). Although this has been achieved before by a small few, it is yet to be managed on an efficient, precise, and larger scale. As for this process occurring naturally in the body, there are no known enzymes in human biology nor conclusive studies that demonstrate an internal conversion from CBD to THC.

A single CBD molecule's structure.
MYTH #5: If you try CBD and it doesn't have any effects, it doesn't work for you
As we’ve already mentioned, CBD is no instant miracle cure, and many people who use it daily have claimed to only experience effects when it is implemented as part of a longer term routine. Given these stories of improvement and results from others, it’s understandable that you might feel impatient if you don’t see any immediate changes.
As a quick analogy - if you exercise for 30 minutes for one day, and never exercise again, chances are you won’t ever feel any benefit from that one workout, walk or run that you did. But if you exercise for 30 minutes a day consecutively for 1 week, 1 month, 1 year? This same mindset applies when it comes to CBD; consistency and patience can go a long way.
It’s also always worth bearing in mind that your anatomy is completely unique to you, so (just like with an exercise routine) someone else’s quantity, schedule and progress won’t necessarily be comparable to yours.
As the CBD industry grows ever more popular, it’s also increasingly important to make sure that you are keeping well informed and avoiding misinformation. Through our past and future blog posts (as well as our education page) we aim to help keep the CBD industry clear and safe. If you'd like to explore more and take a deeper dive, check out more of our blog content below.